Introduction to the comic tradition in Western literature through its origins in Greece and Rome.
Continue reading "CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome"Tag: A3: Humanities
CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans
Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.
Continue reading "CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans"CLA 396: Myths of Rome
Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.
Continue reading "CLA 396: Myths of Rome"JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II
Continuation of JPN 201.
Continue reading "JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II"GER 102: Beginning German II
Learn to communicate in German about the past, present and future, and continue exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.
Continue reading "GER 102: Beginning German II"PHL 101: Critical Thinking
Identification, formulation and evaluation of both inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.
Continue reading "PHL 101: Critical Thinking"PHL 110G: Love and Sex
This course considers the natures and ethics of love and sex by asking questions like: What is love? What counts as sex? What constitutes consent? What counts as infidelity? (Lec.
Continue reading "PHL 110G: Love and Sex"SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II
Continuation of SPA 101.
Continue reading "SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II"SPA 104: Intermediate Spanish II
Continuation of SPA 103.
Continue reading "SPA 104: Intermediate Spanish II"SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I
Introductory Spanish for beginners.
Continue reading "SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I"