Physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth and development of young children within the family and varied cultural settings.
Continue reading "HDF 200: Life Span Development I"Tag: C3: Diversity & Inclusion
HDF 150: Human Sexuality
Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.
Continue reading "HDF 150: Human Sexuality"GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies
Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change.
Continue reading "GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies"EDC 103G: Education and Social Justice
Focusing on race, cultural diversity, socio-economic status, disabilities, and sexual orientation, this course will facilitate students’ examination of their own stereotypes to analyze how to be a social justice advocate.
Continue reading "EDC 103G: Education and Social Justice"EDC 102: Introduction To American Education
Introduction to the fundamental structure, functions, and problems of American education.
Continue reading "EDC 102: Introduction To American Education"APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?
Examines researchers? perceived rights to ownership of Native American bodies, languages, and human remains.
Continue reading "APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?"AAF 240: Race and Ethnicity
Relations among the various ethnic, religious, racial, and political minorities and majorities, with special reference to the United States.
Continue reading "AAF 240: Race and Ethnicity"EDC 102: Introduction To American Education
Introduction to the fundamental structure, functions, and problems of American education.
Continue reading "EDC 102: Introduction To American Education"GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies
Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change.
Continue reading "GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies"HDF 150: Human Sexuality
Interdisciplinary approach to the study of individual and societal determinants in the development, integration, and expression of human sexuality and a code of sexual behavior.
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