Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.
Continue reading "CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry"Tag: N/A
PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine
Ethical analysis of topics such as war, capital punishment, sexual morality, suicide, animal rights, honesty and deception, world hunger, discrimination, abortion.
Continue reading "PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine"ACC 301: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting I
Theoretical aspects of accounting principles and their application to preparation and analysis of corporate financial statements.
Continue reading "ACC 301: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting I"STA 308: Introductory Statistics
Descriptive statistics, presentation of data, averages, measures of variation.
Continue reading "STA 308: Introductory Statistics"SCA 255: (BUS) Operations and Supply Chain Management
Operations management problems in global and domestic environments.
Continue reading "SCA 255: (BUS) Operations and Supply Chain Management"MCE 263: Dynamics
Kinematic and kinetic study of motion of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, acted upon by unbalanced force systems, using both scalar and vector methods; development of methods of analysis based on the direct application of Newton’s laws, work-energy and impulse-momentum principles.
Continue reading "MCE 263: Dynamics"ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting
Basic techniques and systems used by management accountants in budgeting, cost accounting, cost analysis, and control.
Continue reading "ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting"ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory
Kirchhoff’s Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power.
Continue reading "ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory"ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory
Laboratory exercises relevant to topics in ELE 212.
Continue reading "ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory"HDF 357: Family and Community Health
Individual, family and community health concerns throughout the lifespan.
Continue reading "HDF 357: Family and Community Health"