Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.
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CCJ 450: White Collar Crime
An examination of white collar crime; its types, causes, consequences, and legal and public policies designed to control it.
Continue reading "CCJ 450: White Collar Crime"FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management
Study of the basic principles of finance and the applications of these principles.
Continue reading "FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management"MSL 202: Leadership and Team Building
Examines the challenges of leading teams in the complex contemporary operating environment (COE).
Continue reading "MSL 202: Leadership and Team Building"PSY 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology
Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.
Continue reading "PSY 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology"HDF 201: Life Span Development II
Physical, social, cognitive, and emotional growth and development from adolescence to senescence.
Continue reading "HDF 201: Life Span Development II"ACC 303: (BUS) Cost Accounting
Cost and managerial accounting systems and concepts including cost allocation, actual and standard cost systems, cost and profit planning, and control systems.
Continue reading "ACC 303: (BUS) Cost Accounting"FLM 352: Netflix
This course will investigate the technological, artistic, creative, and industry forces that have marked the development of streaming television through Netflix and its influence on US and global film.
Continue reading "FLM 352: Netflix"PHY 306: Elementary Modern Physics
Introduction to relativistic and quantum physics: special relativity theory, structure of atoms, molecules, nuclei, and solids including semiconductor devices; wave and particle properties (Lec.
Continue reading "PHY 306: Elementary Modern Physics"COM 221: Interpersonal Communication
Examines basic theory and skills, including impart of perception, self-concept, listening, nonverbal messages, and language on interpersonal communication, including conflict, relationship development, friendship, family and romantic relationships.
Continue reading "COM 221: Interpersonal Communication"