Examines the origins and development of the modern correctional institution; traditional methods of punishment and rehabilitation; pains of imprisonment, community corrections and reentry and current innovations.
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PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations
Examine and explore public relations principles, concepts and emerging trends associated with the role of the PR practitioner.
Continue reading "PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations"PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence
Introduction to disability in childhood and adolescence.
Continue reading "PSY 442: Disability in Childhood and Adolescence"EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math
Overview and review of required mathematics content and skills for admission into teacher certification programs.
Continue reading "EDC 280: Teacher Program Prep and Career Development-Math"MCE 366: System Dynamics
Systems analysis emphasizing control and vibration.
Continue reading "MCE 366: System Dynamics"CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System
The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.
Continue reading "CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System"CCJ 285: Introduction to the Courts and Criminal Procedure
Examines the origins and development of the current criminal court system in the US.
Continue reading "CCJ 285: Introduction to the Courts and Criminal Procedure"EDC 401: Current Issues in Health Education
Designed to develop student awareness of contemporary issues that are of concern to school health and other health educators.
Continue reading "EDC 401: Current Issues in Health Education"ENG 241: U.S. Literature I
Selections from U.S. literature, beginnings to the mid-19th century.
Continue reading "ENG 241: U.S. Literature I"PRS 340: Public Relations Strategies
Principles and procedures in public relations: emphasis on role of the public relations practitioner as a specialist in communication; analysis of publications produced as a part of public relations.
Continue reading "PRS 340: Public Relations Strategies"