Winter Tick

Life Cycle Stages

Select a region to see how seasonal activity and diseases carried by this tick change across the country.

Asian Longhorned Tick

Life Cycle Stages

Select a region to see how seasonal activity and diseases carried by this tick change across the country.

Brown Dog Tick

Overview Brown Dog ticks have a world-wide distribution, and can be found throughout the United States, although they are encountered more frequently in the southern tier of states. They occur predominantly in and around human settlements and infest homes, animal pens, and dog kennels, often causing high levels of infestation both on dogs and in […]

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Cayenne Tick

Overview In the United States, Cayenne ticks are found only in shrub and brushland habitats of southern Texas but there are sporadic reports of finding this tick, especially on horses in other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico. They are more commonly distributed south throughout various parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean.  […]

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Gulf Coast Tick

Overview Gulf Coast ticks (GCT) are found in coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico from New Jersey to Texas, but also extend their range into Oklahoma and Kansas. Gulf Coast ticks are 3-host ticks (uses 3 different hosts in their lifecycle) that feed on humans and animals and transmit germs, like […]

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Lone Star Tick

Overview Lone Star ticks are found mostly in woodlands with dense undergrowth and around animal resting areas. The larvae do not carry disease-causing germs (although they still inject allergic saliva when they bite), but the nymphal and adult stages can transmit the germs causing Human (Monocytic Ehrlichiosis), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and ‘Stari’ borreliosis. Lone […]

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