Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. We received THOUSANDS of TickSpotters reports from citizen scientists across America in 2014!

Did you know that YOU and YOUR PETS can help monitor tick population trends and tickborne disease risk across America. In 2014, thousands of citizen scientists submitted REAL data that’s helping drive tick awareness tools like the TickEncounter Current Tick Activity app. Let’s breakdown those submissions…
TickSpotters Fall 2014
FALL (Sep-Nov) finds most of the ticks leaf-peeping in the northeastern U.S. The adult stage blacklegged (deer) ticks seemingly come out of nowhere like a Tick-nado, especially after the first frosts lull people into thinking that it’s safe to go outside again after a buggy summer. The rest of the country reported fewer tickencounters during this time, as blacklegged tick populations are not as abundant in those regions. We did however receive a few Brown dog tick horror stories!

Most reported FALL tick:
Blacklegged (deer) ticks
TickSpotters Winter 2014
WINTER (Dec-Feb) While temperatures in most of the U.S. dropped and snow cover was extensive, tick activity heated up in the west and the deep south, especially reports of western-blacklegged ticks in California, Oregon, and Washington.

Most reported WINTER ticks:
Western-blacklegged ticks and Blacklegged (deer) ticks
TickSpotters Spring 2014
SPRING (Mar-May) marked the beginning of what most people recognize as tick season across America. Adult blacklegged (deer) ticks leftover from the FALL were still being reported, but adult stage American dog ticks and Lone Star tick populations woke up and exploded onto the scene. May was the “tickiest” month of the entire year.

Most reported SPRING tick:
Blacklegged (deer) ticks. Followed by American dog ticks and Lone Star ticks.
TickSpotters Summer 2014
Ticks may be just as abundant in SUMMER (Jun-Aug) as in the SPRING but it’s just harder for people to find the tiny nymphal stage blacklegged (deer) ticks. People often find it hard to believe that ticks even get this tiny! Nymphal stage blacklegged ticks are about the size of a poppy-seed on a bagel.

Most reported tick:
American dog ticks. Followed by blacklegged (deer) tick nymphs and lone star tick nymphs and adults.
THANK YOU to everyone who submitted to TickSpotters!