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Kate Dubois

International Diplomacy and Chinese Flagship Program   

About Kate
Born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in North Smithfield, RI, I am double majoring in Mandarin Chinese and International Studies and Diplomacy.

I have served as Secretary and M.U.S.I.C. Liaison for URI’s Asian Student’s Association, President of URI’s Chapter of Amnesty International, Resident Academic Mentor (RAM) for the Chinese Flagship Program, and was on URI’s Committee for Social Justice and Civic Responsibility.

What I’m Doing Now

I was recently selected as both a Boren and Gilman Scholar and will begin my Capstone year abroad in Taipei, Taiwan in September. There I will attend National Yang Ming Qiao Tung University to study intercultural personal communication, international relations, and continue to improve my Chinese proficiency.

Favorite Thing About URI

Overall, I feel incredibly grateful for my time at URI. Although there are so many things that I love about the University from the sushi in the Union to the excitement of the Rhody basketball games, I would have to say that my favorite part about URI has been the people I have met. Whether this is professors, faculty, peers, or some of the lifelong friends I have made throughout my undergraduate career, these people have all aided me in becoming who I am today and have allowed my time as a Rhody Ram to be a truly incredible experience for which I am forever grateful.