Work at the AEC

The Academic Enhancement Center employs 100+ URI students as tutors, peer consultants, TAs, and receptionists across our three program areas. Students who work at the AEC gain professional experience working with others in a collaborative, dynamic academic setting centered on student learning, growth, and success. AEC student employees build skills in teaching, customer service, problem-solving, teamwork, and interpersonal communication. Upon hiring, the AEC provides on-the-job training, as well as continued professional development, mentorship, and leadership opportunities.


STEM & Business Tutor

STEM Tutors provide content-specific tutorial support for undergraduate students enrolled in courses such as Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Statistics, and more. Business Tutors provide support for undergraduate BUS courses such as Business Analytics, Accounting, and Economics.

Apply for Tutoring Positions

STEM & BUS Tutor Job Description

Applications for Fall 2024 are currently being reviewed. We are still seeking tutors for the following courses: ACC 201, ACC 202, CHM 124, ELE 201, FIN 220, MCE 262, MCE 301, MTH 362.

For more information or questions, please email

Undergraduate Writing Center

Peer Writing Consultant

Writing Consultants provide writing support to undergraduate students from all disciplines seeking assistance with their academic writing assignments. Consultants work closely with students at all stages of the writing process to: help them develop their writing skills, provide feedback on their writing, and offer guidance on how to improve their overall writing performance. See full job description: Peer Writing Consultant Job Description.


Academic Skills Development

Academic Skills Consultants (ASCs) and UCS 160/161 Teaching Assistants (TAs) play important roles in empowering students to succeed academically at URI. See below for more information about these roles and how to apply. 

Academic Skills Consultant

Fall 2024 Course Information: CSV 302.0014. Topic: AEC Academic Skills Consultant (ASC) Training. Meets: Wed. 5-6:15pm for training, plus weekly service learning hours to meet with students. Instructor: Heather Price (

Academic Skills Consultants (ASCs) conduct one-on-one sessions with undergraduates from all disciplines seeking help with academic skills such as planning, organization, time management, and study skills development. As an ASC, you’ll be a supportive guide, working individually with peers to help them develop skills and strategies to address their unique strengths, challenges, needs, and goals as college students.

  • In their first semester in the role, ASCs must enroll in CSV 302 for 3 credits of service learning/training hours.
  • In future semesters, they may continue as paid staff members. See the full Academic Skills Consultant Job Description.

Staff Contact: Heather Price (

UCS 160/161 Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) assist instructors and support students in the one-credit UCS 160: Success in Higher Education and UCS 161: Becoming a More Self-directed Learner courses. 

Apply for UCS 160/161 Undergraduate TA Position
Staff Contact: David Hayes (


Student receptionists provide front desk leadership and quality customer service to AEC visitors and callers at three locations on campus: Roosevelt Hall 4th floor, the Undergraduate Writing Center in Roosevelt 009, and the AEC Drop-In Center in the Library. The role is important, as it often serves as the first point of contact for students seeking academic support in any of the three AEC program areas: STEM & Business Tutoring, the Undergraduate Writing Center, and Academic Skills Development. 

AEC Receptionist (Roosevelt 4th Floor/Library Drop-In Center)


AEC Receptionist (Undergraduate Writing Center)