The mission of the Academic Testing Center is to advance teaching and learning outcomes by offering professional proctoring services that promote honesty, integrity, and equity and providing accessible and inclusive assessment opportunities for students, faculty, and academic departments at the University of Rhode Island.
The Academic Testing Center achieves this mission by adhering to the Professional Standards and Guidelines of the National College Testing Association (PDF) and maintaining testing center certification with the NCTA.
News You Can Use: Jewish Holidays
Thank you for your time, trust, and dedication to student access and equity.
In advance of the upcoming Jewish Holidays, the ATC would like to remind all teaching faculty that the ATC is here to support your efforts to reschedule student exams during this time. This year most of the upcoming Jewish holidays fall during the week, with the exception of Yom Kippur.
Please refer to “Embracing Sacred Traditions, Honoring Holy Days”, offered by Amy Olson, executive Director or URI Hillel, regarding these upcoming holidays.
Want to learn more about how the ATC can support you and your students?
Colleges, departments, and faculty consultations are available either online or in-person. Please contact Assistant Director, Lisa Macaruso, Ed.D to schedule a time.
Are you a part-time faculty member? Reach out to schedule a visit or an online training outside of our normal office hours!
Fall 2024 Testing Hours & Location
Mondays 10am – 4pm | Tuesdays – Fridays 8am -4pm
Kingston Campus: Chafee Social Science Center | Testing: Room 202 / Office: Room 201
Telephone: (401) 874-4421 | Email: academictesting@uri.edu
Who We Are: