Faculty Vitality & Well-being

There is always a lot going on in higher education. But there’s A LOT MORE going on in the current moment. As you are navigating the uncertainty and trying to teach, manage any research, and work with students and colleagues, here’s a little help from your ATL friends. We cannot fix all the systemic problems, but we can offer resources for you to find kinship, new ideas, and maybe a little rest. 

In the spirit of putting your mask on first before assisting others, this first set of resources focuses on you, the instructor. Pages on well-being and teaching are forthcoming.

If you have suggestions or questions, reach out to: Penny Edwards, Faculty Development Specialist, at penny.edwards@uri.edu.


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Audio/Visual Resources

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Individual Consultations or Department-Specific Workshops with Penny Edwards

Looking for a more focused conversation about navigating the higher ed landscape while supporting your vitality? Want to explore opportunities for a conversation in your department?

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URI Resources

Did you know?

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