Assessment Mentors and Reviewers

2024 Assessment Fellows

Faculty engagement in the assessment process is a critical part of meaningful and manageable assessment. It enhances the overall assessment climate and creates a supportive culture for faculty to work collegially to examine the curricular experience and expected knowledge and skills of their graduates. Each spring, a group of faculty come together to further develop their own assessment expertise by applying to become an Assessment Fellow, taking on the role of an external peer reviewer of undergraduate program leaning outcomes assessment reports. Fellows review reports using an established feedback rubric to provide feedback on the assessment process. They also have an opportunity to bring new or enhanced assessment practice knowledge and skills back to enhance their own programs’ assessment effort. Assessment Fellows are invaluable campus resources for programs doing assessment.

Clinical Assistant Professor

Natural Resource Sciences

Associate Professor


Teaching Professor


Assistant Professor


Clinical Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

Communication Studies

Associate Professor

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

For more information about becoming an Assessment Fellow, contact

Program Recognition

Each year, faculty are recognized through the peer review process for excellence in assessment reporting on behalf of their academic program (Faculty Senate meeting, March 6th). A summary of recognized academic programs, faculty leads, and their assessment projects from 2023 are listed below. Additional details can be found here: 2023-2024 ATL Assessment Office Report to the Faculty Senate.

ProgramDepartmentCollegeFaculty Member(s) Submitting Report
Animal Science and Technology, BSFisheries, Animal, and Veterinary SciencesCollege of the Environment and Life SciencesJustin Richard*
Biology/Biological Sciences, BA, BSBiological SciencesCollege of Environment and Life SciencesEvan Preisser
Data Science, BSData ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesNatallia Katenka
Health Studies, BSPublic HealthCollege of Health SciencesMolly Greaney*, Natalie Sabik*
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience, BSInterdisciplinary NeuroscienceGraduate SchoolJessica Alber, Vanessa Harwood, Nicole Logan
International Studies and Diplomacy, BSPolitical ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesLeAnne Spino-Seijas*
Mathematics, BA, BSMathematics and Applied Mathematical ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesBill Kinnersley, Li Wu
Political Science, BAPolitical ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesMarc Hutchison, Ashlea Rundlett*
*Faculty has been recognized at least twice before in previous reporting cycles