Strategies & Tools for Graduate Teaching Assistants

Are you ready to elevate your teaching skills and make a lasting impact in the classroom? Join us for a series of dynamic workshops crafted to empower your teaching journey.

Attend at least 3 out of the 4 workshops and earn an esteemed certificate/badge recognizing your commitment to professional development. Your dedication could also lead to a role as a facilitator for future workshops!

Program Objectives

  • Understand student learning concepts and their benefits.
  • Identify and apply effective learning strategies.
  • Reflect on the integration of learning concepts in their own teaching practices.

Meeting Information

SessionDate, Time, LocationTopic
1Feb 20
4-5 pm
Active Learning: Practice high-impact teaching strategies to deepen learner understanding of course material.
2Mar 5
4-5 pm
Mastering the Art of Effective Feedback: Develop strategies for giving feedback that are efficient, supportive, and effective.
3Mar 19
4-5 pm
Engaged Learning: Learn strategies to help students learn how to study effectively and efficiently.
4Apr 2
4-5 pm
Accessibility and Accomodation: Create learning pathways that are open and accessible to all learners.
High TeaApr 4
12:30-1:30 pm
Tyler Hall 225
Come celebrate the completion of the program with light refreshments, distribution of badges, and the opportunity to meet peers and team members from the Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (ATL).


Registration for this GTA professional development opportunity is closed.


For questions about this community of practice, please contact Mariyam Abbas, Graduate Student Educational Developer for Faculty Development in ATL, at