Biological and Environmental Sciences
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
When a qualifying examination is required, the student shall be notified by email by their major professor at the time of admission. The examination shall be oral, no more than two hours in length, and administered by the student’s Doctoral Committee, with the major professor serving as Chair. At least three weeks prior to the examination, the student shall deliver to all members of the Doctoral Committee
(1) a program of study, including grades in courses already completed;
(2) an outline of potential dissertation research topics;
(3) a statement of the student’s professional goals; and
(4) a self-assessment identifying strengths and weaknesses in both knowledge and skills required for successful completion of the proposed research program.
During the examination, the Doctoral Committee shall evaluate the accuracy of the student’s self-assessment, identify additional areas of weakness, and determine whether the student is capable of performing satisfactorily at the doctoral level.
The decision on whether the student has passed or failed the exam shall be based on the majority vote of the student’s Doctoral Committee. The result of the exam is reported using a form available from the graduate school.
If the student is deemed capable of performing satisfactorily at the doctoral level, the Doctoral Committee may recommend specific measures (e.g., additional coursework or training) for overcoming any weaknesses. The major professor shall prepare a brief written summary of these recommendations and submit them to the student within one week (cc the EES coordinator, BES director, and doctoral committee).
Qualifying Exam Policy PDFSAFS Specialization Group Coordinator
Sustainable Agriculture/Food Systems
SAFS Specialization Group Coordinator, Professor
Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences