Master of Environmental Science and Management

Wetland, Watershed, and Ecosystem Science

This specialization focuses on the science and management of ecosystems at all scales from landscape to interstitial. Students may concentrate studies in the ecology, management, and conservation of inland or coastal wetlands; in watershed science and management, particularly land use-water quality interactions, in the ecology and management of forests for human use and biodiversity, or in soil ecology, including bioremediation of organic pollutants.

Students take courses from four key areas: ecosystem science and management; earth science, soils, and spatial analysis, statistics, and environmental planning, policy, law, and economics.

Graduates find employment with federal and state resource management and regulatory agencies, municipal government, nongovernmental conservation organizations, and private environmental consulting firms.


Core courses (21-25 credits), including:

  • Natural Sciences (12-16 credits)
    • Watersheds (at least 3 credits)
    • Wetlands (at least 3 credits)
    • Ecosystems (at least 3 credits)
    • Earth science, soils, or spatial analysis (at least 3 credits)
  • Social Sciences (6 credits)
  • Quantitative Methods (3 credits)

Elective courses (6-10 credits)
Culminating Experience (3 credits: EVS 505, 597, or 598)
Graduate seminar (2 credits)

Coordinator, Wetland, Watershed, and Ecosystem Science



MESM Co-Director, Clinical Assistant Professor; Coordinator, Wetland, Watershed and Ecosystem Science

Natural Resources Science
