With our agricultural research station right on campus, state of the art facilities, and Narragansett Bay as our living laboratory, the University of Rhode Island is at the forefront of environmental and marine scientific research.
Research Profiles
Catching Bees: Abigail Gill’s Summer Fellowship - As part of a Coastal and Environmental Fellowship, Abigail Gill assisted with a variety of projects led by The URI Bee Lab, which focuses on the biology and behavior of native and managed bees in Rhode Island.
Shark Fishing for a Summer Fellowship - Mary Brantley has been assisting with research led by Professor Bradley Wetherbee, an assistant professor of biology. For the past two semesters, she’s helped him study data on the movements of tiger sharks at French Frigate Shoals, a small atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Ambarish Karmalkar: A Model Science Communicator - Geosciences professor Ambarish Karmalkar pairs regional climate change research with science communication.