
Research Resources

We’re the Pre-Award and Post-Award teams. The Pre-Award team helps faculty and staff navigate the proposal process, while the Post-Award team takes care of administrative tasks after funding is secured. Together, we provide comprehensive support for grants from start to finish.

Who does what? 

Pre-Award (Kathy Gray and Jane Karako)

  • Pre-Award is here to assist Faculty and Staff with all requests that need to go through InfoEd and to orient faculty to the proposal process.
  • All new proposals *Please note: all funding that comes into CELS that requires outcomes and/or deliverables requires internal routing through InfoEd BEFORE submitting to the sponsor. *        
  • Please complete the Pre-Award form for in order to start the Pre-Award Process. 
  • Pre-Proposal if a detailed budget OR Authorized Signer is required.
  • Assistance when the following need to go through InfoEd for proposals: Renewals, Resubmissions, Revisions, Supplements and Letters of Intent/Commitment.

Post-Award (Cherie Conover, Lois Carnevalla, and Toni Carreiro Fogleman)

  • Dean’s Pledges
  • Subcontracts: Setting up the requisition for the Purchase Order 
  • Processing Subcontract Invoices
  • Budget Revision Requests ADD GOOGLE BRR Request form here
  • Financial Reporting for Progress Reporting or Annual/Final Reports
  • Cost Share/Match questions or reporting
  • Participant Support No F&A:  guidance on handling this account category.
  • Financial or Salary Projections for grant management
  • Guidance on the grant closing process 
  • Liaison between Office of Sponsored Projects and Office of Sponsored & Cost Accounting.