OnRamp To A Cybersecurity Career

The OnRamp To A Cybersecurity Career is a bridge program to prepare people with little technical background to enter URI’s Professional Science Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity (PSM), or Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity program

Who Is The OnRamp Program For?

The OnRamp program is for career-changers who have a Bachelor’s degree in a non-technical major and wish to learn the skills necessary to start a career in the “protect and defend” jobs in the cybersecurity field. It assumes no background in technology and provides the necessary technical background and academic support to be accepted into URI’s PSM program, or Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity program, and ultimately be prepared to enter into a cybersecurity career.

OnRamp Program Features

  • Three undergraduate courses in: computer programming in Python, system fundamentals for cybersecurity, and introduction to network and systems security
  • All courses taught fully online
  • The third OnRamp course is the first course in the PSM – get started on your degree while gaining background!
  • Acceptance to the OnRamp program is conditional acceptance to the URI Professional Science Master’s Degree Program

Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. and learn more about the program.

Register here for the webinar.