Please join us in welcoming DWELL Lab’s new Research Assistant Gabrielle Pezich. In May 2022, Gabrielle received a Masters of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) from the University of Rhode Island, specializing in conservation biology and with a certificate in Science Writing and Rhetoric. She will be working alongside our lab affiliates to explore the intersection of rhetoric and science communication to facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge to diverse audiences. During her graduate studies, she worked at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography’s Coastal Resources Center (CRC). She worked with their Communications and Coastal Resilience teams to generate awareness for coastal and ocean issues and assist with projects targeted towards building the capacity of the communities and people of Rhode Island. Helping them to be more resilient to increasing storms and rising seas. She is passionate about identifying viable solutions to mitigate anthropogenic impacts on the environment and working with diverse publics to contribute to a more sustainable, equitable planet earth. #SciComm

Gabrielle Pezich, DWELL Research and Communications Assistant – MESM 2022