DWELL is excited to welcome Joe Ahart (MESM ’24) who will be assisting with NWP and Ally Cuomo (MESM ’24) who will be assisting with the Manissean Walking Tour. Below is a brief summary of their interests and the projects they will be focusing on, but you can learn about our new members on the People Page.
Joe Ahart, North Woods Project
Joe is a first-year Masters of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) student studying environmental communication. His background is in film and media, and he has already showcased his videography skills as a co-producer of our newest North Woods introduction video.
About the Project
The North Woods Project (NWP) is an immersive multimedia “classroom in the forest” experience for the North Woods—a 300-acre parcel of unmanaged forests and wetlands just north of URI’s campus. Taking the form of an open access digital resource, the project combines augmented reality (AR), web development, and digital mapping to engage the campus community in stewardship and environmental communication. Learn more on the project page.

Ally Cuomo, Manissean Walking Tour
Ally is a Master of Environmental Science and Management (MESM) student whose interests lie in community design, climate change management, and ethnographic field research.
About the project
In close partnership with community members, humanities scholars, and Indigenous leaders and culture bearers, DWELL Lab is collaborating on an open-access website and mobile augmented reality (AR) application to reimagine the past, present, and future of Manisses/Block Island in the state of Rhode Island. Learn more on the project page.