International Engineering Program


The significant impact of China on the world’s culture and economy is undisputed. From the iPhone to the latest must-have holiday toy, China serves as the global hub for production of everyday items. Companies around the world need engineers that can communicate with Chinese partners.

Our program will immerse you in engineering along with the language and culture of China. Students in the Chinese IEP spend a semester at Tunghai University in Taiwan. Following their time at Tunghai, students spend six months interning in Taiwan. In the past, students have interned either in China, at Hasbro, Hexagon, Insigma HengTian, Feng Logistics , Offshore Pipelines and Risers, Sensata, Teknor Apex and other companies, or at Klinger Die Erste, Aplex Technologies, Penn Group Renewables in Taiwan.

Partner Universities

Browse descriptions of each institution in URIAbroad, our study abroad database.

Partner Corporations


Bayer Technology Services (Shanghai)
Beijing Ao Rui Te Science & Technology Co. (Beijing)
Biomedical Imaging Lab (ZJU – Hangzhou)
BMSER Xieneng Technology (Hangzhou)
Central European Fund (Nanjing)
Chen Lu International Skating Center (Beijing)
CCPPNR (Beijing)
Fashion Power (Hangzhou)
Feng Logistics Company (Hangzhou)
Hangzhou Architectural Design & Research, Ltd. (Hangzhou)
Hasbro (Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Hexagon (Barcelona, Quingdao, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Wetzlar, Weinheim, Gougl, Grugliasco)
Higer Bus Company (Suzhou)
Insigma HengTian Software, Ltd. (Hangzhou)
Inst. of Geotechnical Engineering (ZJU – Hangzhou)
Inst. of Hydraulic Structure & Water Environment (ZJU – Hangzhou)
Inst. of Micro-/Nanotechnoloy & Precision Engineering (ZJU – Hangzhou)
Inst. of Polymerization and Polymer Hangzhou
Engineering (ZJU – Hangzhou)

Lean In China (Beijing)
Logic Solutions (Nanjing)
National Lab of Secondary Resources (Hangzhou)
Oakwood Asia (Hangzhou)
Offshore Pipelines and Risers (Hangzhou)
Pentair Electronic Packaging (Quingdao)
Pin AN Insurance Company of China, Ltd. (Nanjing)
Sensata Technologies (Aguascalientes, Changzhou)
Sentinel Tech (Tianjin)
State Key Laboratory for Chemical EGR (Hangzhou)
Teknor Apex (Suzhou)
Tianjin Normal Univ., Materials Science Lab (Tianjin)
TokenInsight Consulting (Beijing)
Zhejiang Communications Construction, Ltd. (Hangzhou)
ZF (various locations in Germany, Spain, France, USA, Mexico, China, Italy)

Aplex Technologies (Taipei)
Klinger Die Erste (Taichung)
Penn Group Renewables (Taipei)

Additional language opportunities

Students may spend a summer of intensive study at the URI Chinese Flagship Immersion Program (CFIP) at URI.

URI Chinese Immersion

Honors-eligible Chinese IEP students who are highly motivated and wish to work towards Superior language proficiency in Mandarin Chinese have the additional option of joining the URI Chinese Language Flagship Program.