International Engineering Program
IEP students pursue two degrees simultaneously. The program couples a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Global Language and Area Studies (GLAS) with a concentration in Japanese, with a Bachelor of Science in one of eight engineering disciplines.
URI’s award-winning language faculty have pioneered effective techniques to integrate language learning with engineering so that you can build professional vocabulary as you reach a high level of proficiency. One of the highlights of the program is a full year spent abroad, including a semester at a partner institution and an international internship.
Undergraduate Programs
Dual Degree Master's and Doctoral Programs
Administered in collaboration with the Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig and the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt in Germany, The University of Cantabria (UNICAN) in Santander, Spain, and Parthenope University in Naples, Italy, these dual master programs enable students to complete simultaneous engineering master’s degrees from both institutions over a two-year period.
Under this plan, University of Rhode Island master’s degree students in any engineering graduate program (Germany), in Ocean Engineering (Spain) and in Mechanical/Industrial & Systems (Italy) complete the first full year, or approximately one half of the master’s program, in Rhode Island, and then spend the second year of the program as a full-time student at the partner institution abroad. All work completed satisfactorily abroad is recognized by both the host and home universities, thus enabling students to complete degree requirements in Germany, Spain or Italy and in Rhode Island.
*As of Spring 2023, the German partnership program is available to all MS programs, the Spanish partnership is available for the OCE MS program and the Italian partnership is available for the MCE/ISE MS programs.
Career Opportunities
German IEP and Mechanical Engineering alumnus, Shawn Drew returned to campus to recruit students from the German IEP and the German International Business Program as part of the Engineering Tech Fair. Drew, now employed by BMW in Spartanburg, South Carolina, is looking for fresh talent from URI.
This kind of exclusive recruiting event is a unique benefit of the IEP.

The IEP to me is an amazing opportunity to experience what life is like as a global engineer. The opportunity to intern at top German engineering companies wouldn't be possible without the IEP. The chance to push my self into learning a whole new language while studying my major in a completely different continent is what the IEP offers, and is what I'm committed to doing.Michael Sarner