International Engineering Program

Partner Institutions in Italy

Students have the option of attending the University of Calabria (UNICAL), or the University of Naples Parthenope for six months starting in September of their fourth year. Students studying at our partner university will take an Italian Language Immersion course, usually starting around the third week of September. IEP students are also required to take one engineering course of their choice.

The Italian universities offer the following degrees:
Triennale: equivalent to a three-year Bachelor’s Degree
Magistrale: equivalent to a two-year Master’s Degree

You may take triennale and magistrale classes, but keep in mind that magistrale courses are usually more challenging–with the exception of some engineering courses that are more practical than theoretical, and therefore less difficult for US students.

University of Calabria

The University of Calabria (UNICAL) is an Italian university that is well-respected for its engineering and science programs. UNICAL offers various engineering disciplines and research opportunities.

  • For general information please visit their student portal.
  • Fields of Study: By following the links under “STUDIARE ALL’UNICAL” found on UNICAL’s webpage, you can familiarize yourself with the various departments and the courses are offered.

Engineering classes: Below is the selection of engineering classes, some of which are taught in English:

General Education Classes: This link includes some general education classes (Literature & Culture) that are offered at UNICAL:
Please be aware that the most accurate list of courses can be found on each department’s website.

University of Naples Parthenope

The University of Naples Parthenope is for students majoring in Ocean, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, as well as other disciplines such as Business, Marketing, Computer Science, Biology, Law, etc. Given its history and tradition, Parthenope focuses on Blue Growth research, which includes renewable energy, oceanography and atmospheric science, geophysics, marine biology, maritime navigation, sustainable port mobility and logistics, smart grids, IT and IoT, critical infrastructure protection, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and remote sensing. For more information please visit the University of Naples Parthenope’s website:

English versionItalian Version

For department and course information, please visit this page.