Faculty Senate

Pastore Hall Room 224, 51 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

lbourbonnais@uri.edu-401-874-5176jlawrence@uri.edu - 401-874-2616

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Senate Membership 2024-2025 

College of Arts and Sciences:

James Baglama, Mathematics (2026)

Keith Brown, Film/Media (2025)

Ashish Chadha, Film/Media (2027)

Noah Daniels, Computer Science (2026)

Michael Dinardi, Economics (2026)

Maria Donnelly, Chemistry (2026)

Megan Echevarria, Languages (2025)

David Howard, Theater (2025)

Jason Haacks, Journalism (2025)

Mary Healey Jamiel, Media/Communication Studies (2025)

Heather Johnson, Writing/Rhetoric (2025)

William Krieger, Philosophy (2026)

Hilda Llorens, Sociology & Anthropology (2025)

Kendall Moore, Journalism (2026)

Silvana Ngo, Chemistry (2025)

Kathy Quick, Art (2026)

Douglas Reed, Philosophy (2025)

Rebecca Romanow, Film/Media (2027)

William Stark, Languages (2027)

Ryan Trimm, English (2026)

Judy Van Wyk, Sociology (2027)

Shaun Wallace, Computer Science and Statistics (2027)

Travis Williams, English (2026)
Justin Wyatt, Communications Studies (2027)

College of Business:

Cynthia Blanthorne, Accounting (2025)

Nancy Forster-Holt, Innovation/Entrepreneurship (2025)

Saheli Goswami, Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design (2025)

Mehdi Hossain, Marketing (2025)

Koray Ozpolat, Supply Chain Management (2026)

Anis Triki, Accounting (2027)

College of Environment and Life Sciences:

David Bidwell, Marine Affairs (2025)

Graham Forrester, Natural Resources Science (2025)

William Gordon, Landscape Architecture (2025)

Lenore Martin, Cell and Molecular Biology (2027)

Nathaniel Mitkowski, Plant Sciences and Entomology (2027)

Evan Preisser, Biological Sciences (2026)

Michael Rice, Fisheries/Animal Sciences (2027)

Alison Roberts, Biological Sciences (2026)

Ying Zhang, Cell and Molecular Biology (2026)

Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Education and Professional Studies:

Jay Fogleman, Education (2027)
Furong Xu, Education (2026)

College of Health Sciences:

William Burns, Physical Therapy (2027)

Steve Cohen, Health Studies (2027)

Mikyong Kim, Communicative Disorders (2025)

Ingrid Lofgren, Nutrition and Food Science (2025)

Penny Steen, Kinesiology (2025)

Nilton Porto, Human/Family Development (2027)

Ted Walls, Psychology (2025)

College of Engineering:

Sumanta Das, Civil and Environmental Engineering  (2025)

Samantha Meenach, Chemical Engineering (2026)

Bahram Nassersharif, Mechanical, Industrial & System Engineering (2027)

Carl Rousseau, Mechanical, Industrial & System Engineering (2026)

Yalda Shahriari, Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering  (2026)

Leon Thiem, Civil & Environmental Engineering (2027)

Graduate School of Oceanography:

David Smith, Grad. School of Oceanography (2026)
Lewis Rothstein, Grad. School of Oceanography (2025)
Meng (Matt) Wei, Grad. School of Oceanography (2027)

University Library:

Amanda Crego-Emley, Public Services (2027)

Julia Lovett, Digital Initiatives (2025)

College of Nursing:

Amy D’Agata, Nursing (2025)

Mary Leveillee, Nursing (2025)

College of Pharmacy:

Kristina Ward, Pharmacy Practice (2025)

Rita Marcoux, Pharmacy Practice (2025)
Abraham Kovoor, Biomedical & Pharm. Sciences (2025)
Tracey Taveira, Pharmacy Practice (2027)

Ami Vyas, Pharmacy Practice (2025)


Marc Parlange, University of Rhode Island President
Barbara Wolfe, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ellen Reynolds, Vice President for Student Affairs

Markeisha Miner, Vice President for Community, Equity and Diversity

Abby Benson, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Bethany Jenkins, Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Kristin Johnson, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives
Anne Veeger, Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Initiatives
Matthew Bodah, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Budget
Dean Libutti, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Gabriele Fariello, Interim Chief Information Officer
Cynthia Bonn, Dean of Admissions
Peter Larsen, Interim Dean of University Libraries
Paula Bontempi, Dean of the Graduate School of Oceanography
Brenton DeBoef, Dean of the Graduate School
Sean Rogers, Dean of the College of Business Administration
John D. Kirby, Dean of the College of the Environment and Life Science
Kerry LaPlante, Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Patrick Vivier, Dean of the College of Health Sciences
Anthony Marchese, Dean of the College of Engineering
Jeannette Riley, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Danielle Dennis, Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies
Danny Willis, Dean of the College of Nursing
Daniel Graney, Dean of Students

TBD, President, Student Senate

TBD, President, Graduate Student Association


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