Event Registration

SEA Event Registration Flyer (start here)

Formals and other events not held in the chapter house

Register Your Event


Social events in or at the chapter house

Register Your Event

Dear Greek Organization Social Chair:

The following has been put together for your benefit and to improve the relationship between the Greek community, the University of Rhode Island, and the local communities. In conjunction with the local police departments, the Office of Student Life, Substance Abuse Prevention Services, and the Office of Greek Affairs, the following procedures allow social events to be registered with third party vendors in the surrounding towns.

By signing this page and completing the form attached you recognize and acknowledge the following measures are and will be in place:

  1. All Federal, State, and local laws and ordinances will be upheld.
  2. A three part transportation plan is in place to ensure the safety of all members both on campus and down the line. Including a bus system, a sober drive program in case the need may arise.
  3. The third party vendor is notified and aware of the event they will be hosting in conjunction with your organization.
  4. Positive identification will be used and verified by a designated staff member of the third party vendor. Participants of the legal drinking age will be easily identifiable.
  5. Security will be in place for all buses and provided by the third party vendor or through a private contract at the venue.

Your organization must be prepared to handle the following risk management issues and will present a documented plan for the following prior to approval of your event:

  • Prohibiting underage drinking.
  • Prohibiting ANY drinking at an on-campus event
  • Evaluating the sobriety of members attending before boarding the bus is necessary. A police detail must be present at bus boarding.
  • Prohibiting the transportation of alcohol to and from the event.
  • Transporting members that need to leave early due to being over served, ill, or disruptive.
  • Fighting and disruptive behavior.
  • Damage to the facility, which you will be liable for and will be charged to the organization.

By writing and signing my name to this document I agree to put in place the identified risk- management reduction steps and certify the information provided is true.

Register Your Event