URI Greek Life Recognized by YMCA as 2024 Y Hero

It’s a great day to be Greek at the University of Rhode Island! URI Greek Life was recognized as a recipient of the 2024 Y Hero Award on May 14. 2024. Outgoing IFC President Nate Goulart and Outgoing Panhellenic President Victoria Johnson accepted the award on behalf of URI Greek Life for their support of the YMCA through Greek Week 2023. The Greater Providence YMCA was selected as one of the Greek Week 2023 Fundraising Beneficiaries in which $122,000 was raised to support the YMCA and other local charities. URI Greek Life was honored to be recognized at this prestigious event amongst university & state dignitaries, as well as other champions of the Greater Providence YMCA. 

Read more about this great honor and how Greek Life students have made an impact through philanthropy for the YMCA: https://www.uri.edu/news/2024/05/uri-greek-life-recognized-by-ymca-of-greater-providence-as-a-2024-y-hero/