Honors Project
Proposal Timeline
An Honors Project Proposal must be submitted by the following dates:
- Proposals for Fall due March 1
- Proposal for Spring due October 1
STEP 1: Complete the Honors Project Description form, providing the following information:
- Describe the proposed project in brief, including general introductory information and overview
- Explain the rationale for the project, including aims and objectives with emphasis on your own personal learning outcomes. (By the end of this project, what do you hope to have learned?)
- Outline procedures to be followed such as lab, studio, or field work, library research, interviews, etc., emphasizing aspects of the project that will be your own original work. (What do you plan to do to meet your learning outcomes?)
- Identify resources required to do the projects. How will you acquire them? Where are they available at URI?
- Detail your preparation to do the proposed work. This might include prior courses or experiences, accomplishments, character traits, etc. (What do you bring to this experience that will enhance the chance for success in meeting your learning outcomes?)
- Discuss the value of the project to you and your future academic/career goals/plans.
STEP 2: After you have discussed your written proposal with your sponsor, and they agree that it is ready for submission, ask them to complete a Sponsor’s Agreement to Supervise. Once completed and signed by your sponsor, submit this along with your proposal via the Honors Project Application Portal. Proposals will only be reviewed if they are accompanied by the sponsor’s completed and signed form.
Registration for the Honors Project courses, both HPR 401 and HPR 402, occur by permission number only. Once the Honors Project Proposal is given final approval by the Honors Program, you will receive a permission number for entrance into the course.
Research Ethics
Safeguarding the rights and welfare of subjects involved in any research, development, or related activity is the responsibility of the University. All research activity involving human or animal subjects must be reviewed and approved by the University Institutional Review Board (IRB). Find out everything you need to know and how it relates to your research project on the site below, or email them at researchintegrity@etal.uri.edu.