B.A. in Spanish
Course Descriptions
(111) Accelerated Elementary Spanish
(6 crs.) Accelerated elementary Spanish equivalent to 101 and 102. Develops basic communication skills in Spanish. Explores the products, practices and perspectives of Hispanic culture. (Lec. 6) (C2) (A3)
Beginning Spanish I
(3 crs.) Introductory Spanish for beginners. Development of basic communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures. (Lec. 3) re: no prior Spanish is required. Not open to students who have studied Spanish for more than one year within the last five years. Not open to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (C2) (A3)
Beginning Spanish II
(3 crs.) Continuation of SPA 101. Development of basic communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures. (Online) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 101 or equivalent. Not open to students who have studied Spanish for more than two years within the last five years. Not open to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (C2) (A3)
Intermediate Spanish I
(3 crs.) Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures.(Online) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 102 or equivalent. Not open to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (A3) (C2)
Intermediate Spanish II
(3 crs.) Continuation of SPA 103. Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures. (Online) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 103 or equivalent. Not open to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (C2) (A3)
Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
(3 crs.) Intermediate-level review of Spanish grammar, spelling and writing, designed to address the needs of heritage speakers with some high school Spanish instruction. (Lec.3) Open only to heritage speakers of Spanish. (A3) (C2)
Accelerated Intermediate Spanish
(6 crs.) Accelerated intermediate Spanish equivalent to 103 and 104. Develops intermediate communication skills in Spanish. Explores the products, practices and perspectives of Hispanic culture. (Lec. 6) Pre: SPA 102 or 111 or permission of instructor.
Spanish Language and Style I
(3 crs.) Advanced-intermediate course focused on development and refinement of all Spanish language skills, with emphasis on writing, through structured practice using Hispanic cultural and literary material.(Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 104 or equivalent. Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (A3) (C2)
Spanish Language and Style II
(3 crs.) Continuation of SPA 205. Advanced-intermediate course focused on development and refinement of all Spanish language skills, with emphasis on writing, through structured practice using Hispanic cultural and literary material. (Lec. 3) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 205 or equivalent. Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (C2) (A3)
Oral Expression in Spanish
(3 crs.) Development of oral skills in Spanish through discussion, interpretation, and reports on topics of personal, practical, and cultural interest. Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 205 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) May be taken concurrently with SPA 206. Note: Not open to native speakers of Spanish. (C2) (A3)
Spanish for Heritage Speakers
(3 crs.) Language and cultural studies focused on unique interests and competencies of heritage speakers (people who grew up speaking Spanish, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Open only to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed most or all of their formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). (A3) (C3)
Early Spanish-American Literature and Culture
(3 crs.) Study of the early development of Spanish-American culture through its literature, from Conquest to Independence. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor.
Modern Spanish-American Literature and Culture
(3 crs.) Significant figures and developments in literature, the arts, and society, from Independence to the present. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor.
Hispanic Culture Through the 17th Century
(3 crs.) Significant contributions in literature and the arts, from the unique period of coexistence of Christians, Jews, and Muslims through the Golden Age of the 16th and 17th centuries. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor.
Literature and Culture of Modern Spain
(3 crs.) Major figures and developments in Spanish literature, the arts, and society from the 18th century to the present. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor.
Field Workshop
(1-6 crs.) Cultural visit to Spain or Hispanic America. Significant monuments and places of interest to the student of literature and civilization will be studied. Lectures supplemented by assigned readings. (Workshop) Pre: SPA 104 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Spanish
(3 crs.) Problematic aspects of Spanish grammar; proper syntax and word usage in speaking, translation, and writing at sophisticated levels; correct reproduction of sounds and intonation patterns. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor.
Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
(3 crs.) Introduction to Spanish linguistics focusing on what human languages are and how they are used. Analysis of Spanish phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and issues of Spanish language variation and bilingualism. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or 210 or permission of the instructor.
Spanish Internship Abroad
(3-6 crs.) Supervised work experience in Spanish-speaking country for advanced language students. (Independent Study) Pre: SPA 321. For credit for the B.A. in Spanish only for students also completing a B.S. in engineering.
Spanish Internship Abroad
(3-6 crs.) Supervised work experience in Spanish-speaking country for advanced language students. (Independent Study) Pre: SPA 321. For credit for the B.A. in Spanish only for students also completing a B.S. in engineering.
Critical Studies in Spanish Cinema
(3 crs.) Study of major Spanish film genres and of prominent Spanish film directors. Emphasis will vary. Course taught in English. Students counting the course for a major or minor in Spanish are required to do all written work in Spanish and must have credit for SPA 206 or SPA 210. (Lec. 3) FLM 101 or equivalent recommended. May be repeated with different topics for a total of 6 credits.
Spanish for Business and Technology
(3 crs.) Interdisciplinary humanities course in effective and culturally appropriate communication in professional contexts and for professional aims through intercultural examination of ideas and issues relating to business, engineering, and other fields. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or SPA 210, or permission of instructor. (D1) (B2)
Introduction to Literary Genres
(3 crs.) Presentation of the novel, poetry, drama, and essay as literary genres. Textual commentary and methods of criticism. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 206 or permission of instructor. Required for Spanish majors.
Oral and Dramatic Presentation of Hispanic Literature
(3 crs.) Practice in effective oral communication in Spanish and appreciation of Hispanic literature through analysis and class presentation of drama, poetry, and prose. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Advanced Technical Spanish
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (EGR), SPA 412. Seminar on advanced scientific and engineering topics in an international context. All reading, writing and discussion will be conducted in Spanish. (Seminar) Pre: any 400-level course in Spanish and senior standing in an approved engineering program. Not for graduate credit.
Spanish Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics
(3 crs.) Study of Spanish sociolinguistics and pragmatics. Analysis of speech variants or dialects and the factors that determine them. Examination of the use of language in context and the ways in which speakers interpret discourse. (Lec. 3) Pre: any 300-level SPA course or permission of the instructor.
Language and Cultural Identity Among Latinx
(3 crs.) This course studies Latinx communities in the US from a multidisciplinary perspective including history, linguistics and literature. It examines Latinx struggles integrating into American society without losing their own identity. (Lec. 3) Pre: Any SPA 300-level course or permission of the instructor.
Bilingualism in Spanish Communities
(3 crs.) In this class we study bilingualism in Spanish speaking communities, especially those in the United States. In the course, we consider bilingualism as an individual and a social phenomenon. (Lec. 3) Pre: Any SPA 300-level course or permission of the instructor.
Linguistic Discrimination in Spanish
(3 crs.) Exploration of the relationship between the Spanish language and power with a special focus on the societal impacts of Spanish as a minority and majority language across the world. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Any 300-level SPA course or permission of the instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Spanish Dialectology
(3 crs.) Study of the origin, evolution of Spanish. Analysis of dialectal variation in Spanish; characteristics of dialects. The phenomenon of language contact; emphasis on indigenous languages and Spanish in the US. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 312 or SPA 313 or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.
Business Spanish
(3 crs.) Study of concepts and terminology in the Spanish-speaking business world. (Lec.3) Not for graduate credit in Spanish. SPA degree credit only for B.S. Business or B.S. Engineering students also completing B.A. in Spanish. Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in a 300-level Spanish course.
Castilian Prose of the 16th and 17th Centuries
(3 crs.) Literary significance of the Renaissance and Baroque periods and an analysis and critical examination of the prose works of the principal writers of this Golden Age of Castilian Literature. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Drama
(3 crs.) Reading, examination, analysis and critical interpretation of Golden Age Spanish poetry and drama and its impact on subsequent literature. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Topics in Latin American Literature and Culture
(3 crs.) Latin American topics or author not emphasized in other courses. (Seminar) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with a change in topic for a maximum of 6 credits.
Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
(3 crs.) Topics in Hispanic linguistics not emphasized in other courses. (Seminar) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with a change in topic for a maximum of 6 credits.
Topics in Spanish LIterature and Culture
(3 crs.) Spanish topics or authors not emphasized in other courses. (Seminar) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with a change in topic for a maximum of 6 credits.
Don Quijote
(3 crs.) Life and times of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and the reading and critical interpretation of his work. El ingenioso hildalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Modern Spanish Narrative
(3 crs.) Representative narrative works by Spain's major authors from the Generation of 1898 to the present. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Spanish-American Poetry and Drama
(3 crs.) Traces the development of poetic expression and drama from the 17th century to modern times as a reflection of the evolution of Spanish-American identity. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
The Spanish-American Narrative
(3 crs.) Traces the development of fictional prose in Spanish America from the colonial period to modern times as a reflection of cultural and societal changes. (Lec. 3) Pre: SPA 325 or permission of instructor.
Directed Study
(1-3 crs.) For the advanced student. Individual research and reports on problems of special interest. (Independent Study) Pre: SPA 325, acceptance of project by faculty member, and approval of section head.
Directed Study
(1-3 crs.) For the advanced student. Individual research and reports on problems of special interest. (Independent Study) Pre: SPA 325, acceptance of project by faculty member, and approval of section head.
Contemporary Spanish Workshop
(3-6 crs.) New developments in all areas of Hispanic studies including pedagogical matters and classroom techniques. (Workshop) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
The Spanish of the Americas
(3 crs.) Examines linguistic dialect variation within Spanish and the factors that determine it. Individual and social bilingualism and its educational implications are also discussed. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Bilingualism in Spanish-speaking Communities
(3 crs.) Study of bilingualism from perspective of psycholinguistics. Study of different bilingual educational models and programs in the Spanish-speaking world and in the U.S.
Seminar In Medieval Poetry And Prose
(3 crs.) Examination and analysis of the epic, lyrical, and narrative medieval literature of Spain and its impact on subsequent literature. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Topics In Hispanic Literature And Culture
(3 crs.) Special topics or authors not emphasized in other courses. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Evolution of Spanish-American Culture and Thought
(3 crs.) Development of Spanish-American thought and cultural trends, as portrayed in major works of artists and thinkers. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Interpretations Of Modern Spanish-american Thought
(3 crs.) Topics of interest in the development of modern Spanish-American thought as represented in the essay from the period of independence to the present. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.
Seminar in 19th-Century Spanish Literature
(3 crs.) Selected authors and topics from the Spanish Romantic movement through realism and naturalism. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated with different topic and permission of instructor.
Interpretations of Modern Spain
(3 crs.) Development of Spanish thought particularly with respect to sociological and cultural problems from the 18th century to the contemporary period as seen through the writings of significant essayists. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. In alternate years.
Seminar in 20th and 21st Century Spanish Literature
(3 crs.) Topics of aesthetic, cultural, and linguistic concern in 20th century and 21st century peninsular literature. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated with different topic and permission of instructor.
Seminar In Renaissance And Baroque Literature
(3 crs.) Aesthetic analysis of works representative of the period and their influence on subsequent literatures. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated with different topic and permission of instructor.
Seminar in Colonial Spanish-American Literature
(3 crs.) Topics of interest dealing with the development of Spanish-American cultural identity and literature from the period of discovery and colonization to independence. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of the instructor. May be repeated with different topic and permission of instructor.
Seminar in Modern Spanish-American Literature and Culture
(3 crs.) Topics of interest dealing with the development of Spanish-American literature and culture from the period of independence to the present. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated with different topic.
The Hispanic Presence in the United States
(3 crs.) A study of the establishment of the Hispanic presence and its heritage in the art, folklore, and language of the United States, and an analysis of the literature of the Spanish-speaking peoples. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor. In alternate years.
Directed Study
(3 crs.) Individual research and reports on problems of special interest. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing and approval of the director of graduate studies. May be repeated with different topic.
Directed Study
(3 crs.) Individual research and reports on problems of special interest. (Independent Study) Pre: graduate standing and approval of the director of graduate studies. May be repeated with different topic.
Master's Thesis Research
(1-6 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.