Amanda Izenstark, MLIS

  • Professor, University Libraries - Interim Chair, Public Services; Reference and Instructional Design Librarian
  • 119 Library
  • Phone: 401.874.4582
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Professor Amanda Izenstark is Reference and Instructional Design Librarian at the University Libraries, University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island. She received her MLIS from URI in 2001. She is active in the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Instruction Section, the New England Library Association, and the Rhode Island Library Association. She was co-recipient in 2006 of the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation in Instruction Award, and received the Rhode Island Library Association’s Outstanding Librarian award in 2016. She has been teaching undergraduate credit-bearing information literacy courses since 2001, and has also taught LSC 504: Searching for Answers: Meeting Users’ Information Needs as an Adjunct Professor for URI’s Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.

Pronouns: she/her

Courses Currently Taught:
LIB 250: Information Research Across the Disciplines

Courses Previously Taught:
LIB 120: Introduction to Information Literacy
LSC 504: Searching for Answers: Meeting Users’ Information Needs
LSC 547: Online Searching and Services


Information literacy, academic libraries, educational technology


Master of Library and Information Studies, University of Rhode Island
Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, English, University of Massachusetts Boston
Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston

Selected Publications


Izenstark, A., Agee, A., Jackson, H., Sandelli, A., & Roberts, L. (2021). So You Want to Publish: Becoming a Researcher. College & Research Libraries News 82(1), 10-13.

Xiao, J. J., Lavigueur, B., Izenstark, A., Hanna, S., Lawrence, F. C. (2020). Three Decades of the Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 31(1), 5-13.

Ferria, A., Gallagher, B. T., Izenstark, A., Larsen, P. J., LeMeur, K., McCarthy, C. A., & Mongeau, D. (2017). What are they doing anyway? Library as place and student use of a university library. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 12(1), 18-33.

Mason, I. M., Izenstark, A., & Xiao, J. J. (2017). The expanding impact and reach of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 28(1), 3-4.

MacDonald, M.C., Kinnie, J. & Izenstark, A. (2016). Do faculty know “IL”? Information literacy understandings and general education student learning outcomes. LOEX Quarterly.

Izenstark, A. & Leahy, K. (2015). Google Classroom for Librarians: Features and Opportunities. Library Hi Tech News, 32(9), 1-3.

Izenstark, A. (2014). Look good when you’re Googled: Creating and optimizing your digital identity. Library Hi Tech News, 31(9), 14-16.

Larsen, P., Izenstark, A., & Burkhardt, J. (2010). Aiming for assessment: Notes from the start of an information literacy course assessment. Communications in Information Literacy, 4(1), 61-70.

Izenstark, A. (2009). Choosing the right free IM providers and clients for your library. Public Services Quarterly, 5(1), 41-48.

MacDonald, M. C., Izenstark, A., Gallagher, B. T., Kinnie, J., & Larsen, P. (2006). The real world: Developing information age issues forums. Reference Services Review, 34(4), 472-483.


Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

Izenstark, A., & MacDonald, M.C. (2022). Enhancing our supply chain: Working with faculty to embed IL threshold concepts. We Can Do It! Building the Best in Library Instruction – Forty-sixth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Proceedings, May 5-8, 2020.

Izenstark, A., & MacDonald, M.C. (2014). Create your own Cephalonian adventure: An interactive session. Energize! Accelerate! Transform! – Fortieth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Proceedings, Columbus, OH, May 3-5, 2012 (paper 39).

Izenstark, A., & MacDonald, M. C. (2010). Reduce, reuse, recycle: Revamping a freshman seminar information literacy program. Librarian as Architect: Planning, Building, and Renewing – Thirty-Sixth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Proceedings, Oak Brook, IL, May 1-3, 2008 (pp. 113-118). Ypsilanti: LOEX Press.

Kinnie, J., MacDonald, M. C., & Izenstark, A. (2004). Stone soup: A recipe for collaboration and support. Reflective Teaching: A Bridge to Learning: Selected Papers Presented at the Thirty-First National LOEX Library Instruction Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin, 8-10 May 2003 (pp. 47-50). Ann Arbor: Pierian Press.


Recent Presentations, Panels, and Poster Sessions

Santucci, A. Izenstark, A., & MacDonald, M.C. (2022, January 19). Democratic Belonging as Informed Citizenry: Empowering Faculty to Empower Learners via Information Literacy. Pre-Meeting Workshop, AAC&U Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Izenstark, A., Jackson, H., & Roberts, L. (2021, September 14). Research, Writing, and Publication: What Do You Want to Know? Presentation at the New England Library Association 2021 Annual Conference Diversity Day Program. Online.

Izenstark, A. K. & MacDonald, M. C. (2020, May 5). Enhancing Our Supply Chain: Working with Faculty to Embed IL Threshold Concepts. Presentation at the 2020 LOEX Annual Conference.

Izenstark, A. & Rathemacher, A. (2018, October 22). The Open Science Framework & Reproducible Research: A New Space for Scholars & Librarians. Presentation at the New England Library Association & Rhode Island Library Association Joint 2018 Annual Conference, Warwick, RI.

Rathemacher, A., Izenstark, A., & Dekker, H. (2018, May 4). Failure to Reproduce: The Replication Crisis in Research — Can Librarians Help? Presentation at the ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference, Plymouth, MA.

*Izenstark, A. (2017, October 13). What Clues Tell You Something is True? Empowering Students to Find Evidence. Presentation at Third Regional Quaker Education Conference, Providence, RI.

Izenstark, A., Kinnie, J., & MacDonald, M. C. (2017, June 9). Librarians as Design Partners: How We Helped Faculty Spotlight IL. Presentation at the New England Library Instruction Group Annual Program, Fitchburg, MA.

Kinnie, J., MacDonald, M. C., & Izenstark, A. (2017, March 28). Information Literacy and General Education: Supporting Student Success. Presentation at the NERCOMP Annual Conference, Providence, RI.