NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI;, through the University of Rhode Island, will be hosting its 3rd annual Blue Economy Career Exploration Fair to raise awareness on diverse, BE employment opportunities. In addition to a broad introduction to BE industries, program participants will connect with engaging panelists in small groups and ask questions [“speed dating”], learn more about skills required for BE positions, and understand personal career journeys.
Registration is required for this FREE event which will take place via Zoom over two virtual sessions. The first session is from 2:30-4:30 pm ET on Tuesday, February 27, 2024; the second session is 2:30-4:30 pm on Thursday, February 29th. Individuals can register for one or both sessions (full event participation is preferred)– different sector representatives will be available at each session. Current community college, undergraduate, and graduate students and other stakeholders interested in learning more about BE career paths can register through this online form. In addition to connection details, registered individuals will also receive a panelist participation list with contact information and brief bios ahead of the event and other BE resources.
Questions? Please contact Holly Morin, OECI Bridge to Ocean Exploration Coordinator (