Aleutians Alvin A&C

Andy Bowen (WHOI)

Image by WHOI


We propose a tightly coordinated and resource-leveraged research expedition along the Aleutian Arc using research vessel Atlantis and human-occupied vehicle Alvin to address multiple compelling objectives: (1) explore and ground truth newly mapped features in the Central and Western Aleutians (e.g., submarine volcanoes, pinnacles, scarps), including possible hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, critical mineral systems, seafloor hazards and sensitive benthic ecosystems; (2) apply ‘Omics technologies (e.g., eDNA, microbiome characterization, sequencing) to characterize communities, identify ecosystem resources and describe genetic connectivity of habitats and select fauna; and (3) describe biodiversity and community ecology of associated fishes and invertebrate communities, including age structure and reproductive traits of select deep-sea corals and sponges. This work includes characterization of water masses, distribution and food-web ecology of associated fishes and invertebrate communities, and cultivation of microbes as potential sources of novel natural products.