One of the many great things about URI’s College of Pharmacy is that we’re a diverse community of scholars who work together and inspire one another in our teaching, research, practice, and service. Our big idea is to improve the quality of life for people in our local, national, and global communities. We welcome you to join us at our beautiful campus near the ocean where you can do your very best work in brand new, cutting-edge facilities that give you the perfect resources to learn, grow, and put your ideas into practice.
News & Announcements
Networking event forges connections, exposes pharmacy students to diverse career opportunities - Two students host ‘speed dating, networking style’ event featuring industry professionals in casual setting The outdated image of a pharmacist anonymously counting pills into a bottle and slapping on a label for a clerk to hand to a customer no longer applies. The pharmacy profession has drastically evolved over the years, and there are myriad […]
URI pharmacy professor, director of CFRP, wins Campbell Award for ethics, excellence in health care - Clinical Professor Anita Jacobson is a leader in fight against the opioid epidemic The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy presented Clinical Professor Anita Jacobson with the Norman A. Campbell Award for Excellence and Ethics in Healthcare, honoring her contributions to the pharmacy profession, and her extraordinary impact on health care in the community, […]

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