About the College

The URI College of Pharmacy brings together some of the brightest minds and most inventive scientists in the industry to deliver a world-class education in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Research. Beyond campus, the College provides a wide range of services to the community, including a state-of-the-art Pharmaceutical Development Institute, Drug Information Services, a Pharmacy Outreach program and much more. The College’s accomplished researchers attract millions of dollars each year in their quest to treat disease, leading the College to be ranked 14th out of 142 in 2022 federal research dollars to colleges of pharmacy. URI’s rural campus near the coast makes the College unique among pharmacy programs in the East, where pharmacy is generally taught in urban communities. 




  • 98% would choose URI
    if they started over
    AACP 2023 Annual Graduating Pharmacy Student Survey
    (82% National Average)
  • Student Population: 2022-2023

    719Pharm.D. Students
    115BSPS Students
    50Graduate Students

Pharm.D. Program

  • ACPE Reporting Statistics

    94%The on time graduation rate for the class of 2023
    82.9%First time NAPLEX Pass Rate

    Source NABP

    85.1%Percentage of students that matched who pursued a PGY1 through the ASHP match process for the Class of 2024

  • Class of 2028

    418Highly qualified students applied for 130 places
    4.03Average High School GPA
    33%Students of color


    Graduated Class of 2022
    88%On-Time Graduation Rate
    86%First time NAPLEX Pass Rate (80% National Average)
    99%Employment Rate on Graduation (98% National Average)
    92%Postdoctoral Residency Placement Rate (76% National Average)
    Lowest Instate & Out of State
    Tuition and Fees
    in the Northeast
    $94,672 / $166,760 respective totals
    P1-P4 years
    (AACP 2022)

    Experiential Education

    Approximately 480 preceptors contributed to our experiential education program (both introductory and advanced practice experiences) during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences Program

  • Class of 2026

    3.72Average High School GPA


  • $21,124,760All Federal Fiscal Year 2022 Research Funding
    14thOut of 142 in 2022 research dollars to colleges of pharmacy


    • The Pharmacy Outreach program recently celebrated more than 30 years of services to Rhode Island and have presented more than 700 programs reaching over 10,000 people at numerous locations around Rhode Island.
    • More than 2,500 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians earned ACPE continuing pharmacy education credits though programs offered by the Office of Continuing Professional Development.
    • The Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory serves the criminal investigative needs of state and local law enforcement agencies throughout Rhode Island.
    • The College of Pharmacy Drug Information Service provides healthcare practitioners with timely, evidence-based drug information to promote the safe, rational use of medications.
    • The federally-funded RI-INBRE Program, based at the College of Pharmacy, provides nearly $4M in individual research grants and research infrastructure funding to researchers and universities throughout the state. Opportunities for undergraduate summer research are provided through the Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF).
    • The Pharmaceutical Development Institute provides drug product development services, training and small batch manufacturing capabilities to industry and academic partners. The PDI infrastructure features a 7,000 square foot GMP development and manufacturing facility and 1,800 square foot analytic lab.

Dean's Message

Welcome to the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy – Embarking on a Journey of Leadership

We are a community where excellence, compassion, and a dedication to advancing health and transforming communities are at the forefront of our mission. Visiting the college, you will witness our dedication to cultivating ethical, compassionate, and knowledgeable pharmacists who prioritize patient care and uphold the highest standards of professionalism. In the Pharmaceutical Sciences, where groundbreaking research meets academic excellence, you’ll experience our commitment to advancing health firsthand.

Our faculty members, renowned in their fields, guide students in exploring innovative solutions to societal healthcare challenges. Our programs equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to make a tangible difference in patient care, the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and global health.

Our vision extends beyond the confines of our classrooms and laboratories; we aspire to transform communities. We believe in the power of education and research to bring about positive change, not only in the lives of individuals but in the broader societal context. Our college community is engaged in a collective effort to make a lasting impact on healthcare systems and the communities we serve.

I encourage you to explore this website, where you’ll find more information about our faculty, research opportunities, and the dynamic student life within our college. This is not just an academic institution; it’s a community that values collaboration, diversity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Kerry L. LaPlante, PharmD., FCCP, FIDSA, FIDP

Strategic Plan

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  • The College of Pharmacy faculty and staff are responsible for the development and assessment of the College strategic plan.
  • The College Management Committee assumes responsibility for the implementation of the plan.
  • Our strategy is developed to be congruent with the strategic, academic, and financial planning efforts of the University.

Advisory Board

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and Assistant Professor

Department Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University

President & CEO

Ascella Health

Professor Emeritus & College Ambassador

URI College of Pharmacy

Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer


Medican Science Liaison


Owner, Pharmacist

Asthenis Pharmacy


Pharmaceutical Development Institute

Executive Vice President for Health and Wellness


Senior Medical Director, Medical Affairs

Seres Therapeutics

Vice president and General Manager (Ret)

Balchem Corp



Pharmacist, Consultant

Senior Director, Quality Innovation

Pharmacy Quality Alliance

Senior Vice President

CVS Pharmacy

Director, Division of Neuroscience and Behavior, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health

Emeritus Members

  • Ewa Dzwierzynski
  • Heather Larch
  • Colleen Moffitt
  • Justina Molzon
  • Nancy Motola
  • Eleanor Perfetto
  • Robert Potter
  • Ed Quinlan
  • Edward Rudnic
  • Sarah Thompson
  • John Zevzavadjian


ACPE logo

The College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs in pharmacy and providers of continuing pharmacy education. ACPE was established in 1932 for the accreditation of pre-service education, and in 1975 its scope of activity was broadened to include accreditation of providers of continuing pharmacy education.

ACPE is the sole accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit professional degree programs in pharmacy.

The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy is fully accredited for an eight year cycle through June 30, 2024

ACPE is also responsible for accrediting the programs offered through the College’s Office of Continuing Education.

  • ACPE Reporting Statistics

    94%The on time graduation rate for the class of 2023
    82.9%First time NAPLEX Pass Rate

    Source NABP

    85.1%Percentage of students that matched who pursued a PGY1 through the ASHP match process for the Class of 2024
