Future Students
We are looking forward to connecting with you at the events we are hosting. Events include group information sessions and special events offered by the college and the our wider URI community.
Associate Teaching Professor, Director of the BSPS Programs, Director of the Certificate Program in Cannabis Studies
Office: 395N
Info Sessions & Events
Events for the Spring Semester will be posted soon.
March 21, 2025 @ 2:00pm – In-Person College Information Session - Registration Open | In-person | PharmD | BSPS
A presentation and Q&A about the college's programs followed by a tour of our building.March 25, 2025 @ 7:00pm – College Virtual Info Session and Q&A - Registration Open | Zoom | PharmD | BSPS
A presentation and Q&A about the college's programs.April 4, 2025 @ 2:00pm – In-Person College Information Session - Registration Open | In-person | PharmD | BSPS
A presentation and Q&A about the college's programs followed by a tour of our building.April 10, 2025 @ 7:00pm – Zoom BSPS Career Panel - Registration Open | Zoom | BSPS
Join us on Zoom to hear a panel of alumni discuss their day-to-day responsibilities, what they love about their jobs, their path to their current roles, and what they wish they knew on their first day of work.April 23, 2025 @ 7:00pm – College Virtual Info Session and Q&A - Registration Open | Zoom | PharmD | BSPS
A presentation and Q&A about the college's programs.April 18, 2025 @ 2:00pm – In-Person College Information Session - Registration Open | In-person | PharmD | BSPS
A presentation and Q&A about the college's programs followed by a tour of our building.
Recorded Events
BSPS Alumni Panel – Wednesday, October 23, 2024
BSPS Faculty Hour Panel – Wednesday, April 17, 2024
BSPS Zoom Career Panel – Monday, October 23, 2023
March 17 – Plants to Drugs: Discover How Nature Powers Research at URI
Join us for a virtual tour of the Heber W. Youngken Jr. Medicinal Garden live from the College of Pharmacy greenhouse and a pharmacognosy research laboratory. Learn about plants that keep us healthy, from sources of molecules developed into pharmaceuticals to the origins of the ingredients in your herbal tea. Watch a demonstration of how whole plant extractions are done, and see the instruments that are used to identify and describe the individual constituents.
November 5 – From Plants to Pure Drugs (MOCK CLASS)
Instructor: Matt Bertin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Did you know that over 50% of the drugs used in our clinics come from natural sources such as plants, bacteria, and fungi? Researchers at the University of Rhode Island are very interested in finding new drugs from these natural sources. These scientists use very specific experiments to find and purify these potential drugs. This lesson will teach you about some of these experiments and it will show the path from a plant to a pure drug.
Dr. Matt Bertin, an assistant professor in the College of Pharmacy is a “Natural Product Chemist” whose research laboratory tries to find new drugs from marine algae. He will showcase the machines and instruments in the College of Pharmacy that make it possible to go from a plant in the garden to a drug in a vial.
Meet with us
Shadow a Current Student
See what it’s like to be a Pharmaceutical Sciences student at URI College of Pharmacy…..attend a class with a current BSPS student and take a tour of Avedisian Hall! Visiting students will have the opportunity to shadow a Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Biology lab course with a currently enrolled student during the date/time noted.
Register to join us in a class
Appointments are booked through URI Admission using the links below.
Shadow classes for the Spring Semester will be posted soon.
Virtual Tour
Viewing on a phone? Click here for the best experience
Join us for a 25 minute tour of Avedisian Hall. We start with Katelyn, one of our PharmD students, giving a general tour of the building before she hands off to Beth, one of the students in the BSPS program, who shows you around one of our research labs.
Instructions: On a computer, use your mouse to rotate the video. On a mobile device, simply move it around and the view will follow where you are looking.
How can we help you?
We would love for you to visit our Kingston campus to meet our amazing students and faculty in Avedisian Hall. Take a look at our scheduled events or complete this form indicating what you are interested in learning about and someone will contact you.