Model 14: DDI 2, Enzyme Induction


This is the second in a series of five models used to illustrate different types of pharmacokinetic-based drug-drug interactions (DDI). This model demonstrates enzyme induction and how the inducing drug’s characteristics (Emax and EC50) control the degree of induction . It also shows how the rate of degradation of the enzyme controls recovery once an inducer is withdrawn.
Link to Model

See Appendix E: Enzyme Kinetics: Michaelis Menten Equation and Models for Inhibitors and Inducers of Drug Metabolism
Topics relevant to this model are covered in the following sections:

– E.2.3 Enzyme Induction
– E.2.3.1 Model for the Effect of Induction on Enzyme Kinetics
– E.2.3.3 Understanding Induction though Simulation

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