Model 15: DDI 3, Reversible Inhibition: Fluconazole and Midazolam


This is the third in a series of five models used to illustrate different types of pharmacokinetic-based drug-drug interactions (DDI). This model is based on the reversible inhibition of midazolam’s metabolism by fluconazole. It demonstrates the effect of Ki, fm and [I] on midazolam’s plasma concentrations, PK parameters and AUCR.
Link to Model

See Chapter 17: Models Used to Predict DDIs For Orally Administered Drugs
Topics relevant to this model are covered in the following sections:

– 17.4.3 Predictive Models Incorporating Parallel Pathways of Elimination (fm)
– AUC and fm
– Reversible Inhibitors of Hepatic Enzymes

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