Masters in Public Health
Five core classes that all students take
- HLT 501: Foundations of Public Health
- An introduction to public health with a focus on the history of public health, public health ethics, prevention, evidence-based practice, comparative effectiveness, and policy
- HLT 502: Identifying Health Disparities through Epidemiology
- The course will familiarize students with basic principles and methods of epidemiology as they apply to public health research and evaluation, as well as to assess public health literature. This will be an applied course where students will have a chance to learn epidemiological skills but also more importantly, apply those skills to critically evaluate epidemiological and biomedical studies
- HLT 503: Statistical Application of Public Health Research
- Students will learn the basic principles and methods of biostatistics as they apply to public health research and activities. This course emphasizes the practical application of biostatistics skills to the evaluation and assessment of public health literature
- HLT 504: Policy Approaches to Addressing Health Equity
- This course provides a comprehensive overview of health policy, administration, program planning and evaluation with a specific emphasis on public health
- HLT 505: Social and Behavioral Influences on Health Disparities
- Student will learn concepts and methods of social and behavioral sciences relevant to identifying and solving public health problems, including a focus on health promotion and health communications
Three classes for the generalist degree core
- HLT 506: Intersectional Approaches to Health Disparities
- This course covers intersectional theory and scholarship to address health disparities in the U.S. and examines disparities as outcomes associated with differences in power, privilege, discrimination, historical access to resources, and structural factors that shape people’s individual health
- HLT 507: Program Evaluation in Public Health
- This course covers process, impact, and outcome evaluation as well as research design and data collection methods
- HLT 508: Grant Writing for Public Health Professionals
- This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of grant writing in the field of public health. It will help students develop skills in identifying and evaluating grant funding mechanisms, developing strong grant proposals, and understanding the grant review process
2 classes for generalist core for the Applied (A) and Integrative (I) Learning Experiences (LE)
- HLT 601: Applied Practice Experience
- This course covers the applied practice experience in a practice organization under the supervision of a site preceptor and a university graduate faculty member
- 2. HLT 602: Integrative Learning Experience
- Integrative learning experience (ILE) for MPH students that serves as a capstone class; demonstrates synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies. Students in consultation with faculty select foundational and concentration-specific competencies appropriate to the student’s educational and professional goals; demonstrating synthesis and integration requires more than one foundational and one concentration competency.
MPH Course Schedule
For full time students. Part time students will map out a program plan with their advisor.
1st Semester (12 credits)
- HLT 501: Foundations of Public Health (3 credits)
- HLT 502: Identifying Health Disparities through Epidemiology (3 credits)
- HLT 505: Social and Behavioral Influences on Health Disparities (3 credits)
- HLT 506: Intersectional Approaches to Health Disparities (3 credits)
2nd Semester (12 credits)
- HLT 503: Statistical Application of Public Health Research (3 credits)
- HLT 504: Policy Approaches to Addressing Health Equity (3 credits)
- HLT 507: Program Evaluation in Public Health (3 credits)
- Elective 2* (3 credits)
3rd Semester (9 credits)
- HLT 601: Applied Practice Experience (APE; 3 credits)
- HLT 508: Grant Writing for Public Health Professionals (3 credits)
- Elective 3* (3 credits)
4th Semester (9 credits)
- HLT 602: Integrative Learning Experience (ILE; 3 credits)
- Elective* (3 credits)
- Elective 4* (3 credits)