Susan Meschwitz Admin Supp

RI-INBRE-COBRE Collaborative Research Dr. Susan Meschwitz received the first RI-INBRE/COBRE Collaboration Supplemental Award in 2019 with Dr. Helen (Beth) Fuchs of Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital. In 2021, Dr. Meschwitz also received the RI-INBRE Women’s Health Supplemental Award, in collaboration with URI investigators Dr. Jodi Camberg and Dr. David Rowley.  Dr. Susan Meschwitz, Associate […]

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SURF Conference Update 2021

14th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Conference Update The University of Rhode Island (URI) was excited to host the Annual RI Summer Undergraduate Research Conference in person on July 30, 2021. More than 140 students shared poster presentations of their summer research experiences with RI-INBRE SURF and SURF+, RI-INBRE Bridge to Graduate School, RI NSF EPSCoR/C-AIM […]

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Neural Circuit Regulation of Physiology During Stress Response

INVESTIGATOR: Belinda Barbagallo, Salve Regina University MENTOR: Paul Garrity, Brandise University THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: Throughout life, all organisms are challenged by environmental stressors, highlighting the importance of homeostatic mechanisms for survival. Many studies have shown that neural circuits play a critical role in counteracting the effects of environmental stress by modulating physiology, though the mechanisms underlying […]

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Exploring the Relationship Between Structure and Function in KmtR

INVESTIGATOR: Khadine Higgins, Salve Regina University THEME: Environmental Health Sciences ABSTRACT: The long term goal of this work is aimed at understanding why Mycobaterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) requires two Ni(II)- and Co(II)-responsive metalloregulators associated with the export of Ni(II) and Co(II) and how these two regulators differ. M. tuberculosis is the causative agent of tuberculosis, […]

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