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Per Diem Rates and Allowances

The appropriate per diem rate and guidelines vary by funding source. To determine the correct rates for your fund, see the Per Diem Rate Guide. 

For Fund 100, 401 and all non-federal fund sources

State of RI Per Diem Allowance for Domestic Meals and Incidental Expenses–Effective 8/1/18

The state per diem allowance covers meals and incidental expenses, such as tips and gratuities. Travelers will not be reimbursed separately. The allowance is a flat rate up to $50 per day which is based on scheduled departure and arrival times:

Departure before noon – $50.00 for the first day
Departure after noon – $25.00 for the first day

Arrival before noon – $25.00 for the final day
Arrival after noon – $50.00 for the final day

Federal Per Diem Rates – Funds 110 & 500

Mileage Reimbursement

The mileage reimbursement rate for travel is set by the RI Department of Administration. URI mileage reimbursements must be submitted through the online travel and expense module. The current mileage reimbursement rate is set at $0.67 per mile.