Study of innovative leadership styles and Army tactics by examining key battles throughout history.
Continue reading "MSL 201: Leadership and Military History"Category: Session 1
MSL 101: Introduction to Leadership I
Introduction to leadership dimensions while presenting a big picture understanding of a leadership development program.
Continue reading "MSL 101: Introduction to Leadership I"MKT 467: (BUS) Customer Analytics
Frameworks and quantitative approaches for implementing strategic customer relationship management, customer-based marketing metrics, essential database marketing tools, supplier/customer selection and targeting.
Continue reading "MKT 467: (BUS) Customer Analytics"MKT 366: (BUS) Consumer Behavior
A review of the consumer decision-making process and factors that influence consumers, including ethical issues.
Continue reading "MKT 366: (BUS) Consumer Behavior"MKT 265: Marketing Principles
An introduction to marketing from a managerial viewpoint.
Continue reading "MKT 265: Marketing Principles"MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management
Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms.
Continue reading "MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management"MGT 345: (BUS) Business in Society
Examination of the contemporary social, political, cultural, legal and ethical forces that shape the business environment.
Continue reading "MGT 345: (BUS) Business in Society"MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses
Management concepts, processes and practices with an emphasis on inclusion, agility and evidence based decision making: organizational behavior; individual differences and elements of diversity; interpersonal dynamics and communication; work design, motivation and outcomes; social justice and worker voice; structure (including business functions) and culture.
Continue reading "MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses"MCE 354: Fluid Mechanics
Physical properties of fluids, development of continuity, energy, and momentum concepts using vector methods; application to problems involving viscous and nonviscous fluids including boundary layer flows, flows in closed conduits and around immersed bodies.
Continue reading "MCE 354: Fluid Mechanics"MCE 348: Heat and Mass Transfer
Transfer of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation in steady and unsteady states.
Continue reading "MCE 348: Heat and Mass Transfer"