Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 112.
Continue reading "PHY 186: Laboratory for General Physics II"Category: Session 2
MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses
Management concepts, processes and practices with an emphasis on inclusion, agility and evidence based decision making: organizational behavior; individual differences and elements of diversity; interpersonal dynamics and communication; work design, motivation and outcomes; social justice and worker voice; structure (including business functions) and culture.
Continue reading "MGT 201: (BUS 340) Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses"MBA 578: Human Resource Development
Students will learn about theories of organizational and individual change in the context of three HRM functions: job analysis, performance management and training.
Continue reading "MBA 578: Human Resource Development"MBA 588: Marketing Communications Management
Provides an in-depth knowledge base for developing effective and efficient strategic marketing communications.
Continue reading "MBA 588: Marketing Communications Management"MBA 565: Strategic Management
Integration of functional areas of business through case studies and simulation-based explorations of management problems, and the evaluation of alternative solutions.
Continue reading "MBA 565: Strategic Management"MBA 530: Legal Environment of Business
Pre: graduate standing.
Continue reading "MBA 530: Legal Environment of Business"MBA 503: Financial Accounting
Covers basic accounting principles, accounting systems design, and financial reporting issues.
Continue reading "MBA 503: Financial Accounting"MBA 500: Statistical Methods for Management
Introductory statistical methods applied to business problems.
Continue reading "MBA 500: Statistical Methods for Management"BPS 203: Herbal Medicines and Functional Food
Study of traditional herbal medicines, commonly used medicinal plants, and modern plant-derived drugs.
Continue reading "BPS 203: Herbal Medicines and Functional Food"AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"