Selected laboratory exercises to accompany BIO 102.
Continue reading "BIO 104: Principles of Biology Laboratory II"Category: Session 2
BIO 220: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including the biochemical properties of the cell, integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.
Continue reading "BIO 220: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I"BIO 221: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory
Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.
Continue reading "BIO 221: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory"BIO 222: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Explores the integration of the structures and functions of the human organism through a systems approach; including senses, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.
Continue reading "BIO 222: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II"WRT 332: Technical Writing
Work on writing projects that suit practical needs, share specialized knowledge with diverse audiences, and implement ethical practices of technical communication.
Continue reading "WRT 332: Technical Writing"ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting
Basic techniques and systems used by management accountants in budgeting, cost accounting, cost analysis, and control.
Continue reading "ACC 202: (BUS) Managerial Accounting"ACC 302: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting II
Continuation of corporate financial reporting.
Continue reading "ACC 302: (BUS) Intermediate Accounting II"AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System
Celestial sphere, Earth, formation of and motions and characteristics of objects in solar system, the Sun, exoplanets, and search for extraterrestrial life.
Continue reading "AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System"AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"