Critical studies course examining the role of advertising in American consumerism.
Continue reading "COM 243G: Advertising and Consumerism"Tag: G1: Grand Challenge
AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?
Examines researchers? perceived rights to ownership of Native American bodies, languages, and human remains.
Continue reading "APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?"AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"COM 108G: Spaceship Earth: Communication and Sustainability
Through in-depth study of films, social media and readings students will explore the principles of sustainability and the communication challenges linking scientific evidence, public policies and individual behavior.
Continue reading "COM 108G: Spaceship Earth: Communication and Sustainability"COM 321G: Social Media and Interpersonal Communication
Explore theories and research on interpersonal communication and social media.
Continue reading "COM 321G: Social Media and Interpersonal Communication"HDF 205G: Money Skills for Life
An interdisciplinary framework to review important personal financial issues and to offer applicable tools to help students make good financial choices on earning, spending, borrowing, protecting, investing and saving money.
Continue reading "HDF 205G: Money Skills for Life"HDF 318G: Health and Wealth
This course will draw from the disciplines of economics, public policy, public health, and consumer behavior to offer a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of health and wealth.
Continue reading "HDF 318G: Health and Wealth"