Biological and Environmental Sciences
Cell and Molecular Biology
The following courses are highly recommended so that students build foundational expertise in biochemistry, microbiology, science communication and ethics. These are expected competencies for the PhD qualifying exams.
CMB 413 Advanced Microbiology I, 3cr
CMB 415 Advanced Microbiology I laboratory, 2cr
CMB 581 General Biochemistry I, 3cr
CMB 582 General Biochemistry II, 3cr
BES 581 and 582 BES Colloquium, 1 cr
BES 600 Graduate Student Seminar, 1cr
BIO 500: Advanced Science Ethics, 1 cr
BIO 501: Advanced Scientific Communication, 2 cr
Laboratory Rotations
All entering, first-year graduate students (both M.S. and Ph.D.) participate in three laboratory rotations during their first semester. Each rotation lasts four weeks. After the completion of rotations, students, in consulation with faculty members, select a laboratory in which to conduct their research thesis project.
M.S. Degree Program requirements
A total of 30 credits is required – 21 coursework credits as outlined above for each track plus an additional 9 research credits (BES 599). A maximum of 12 course credits can be at the 400 level, remaining credit must be at the 500 level or higher.
For M.S. students all courses taken for plan credit should be at the graduate level. At least half of the total plan course credits should be at the 500 or 600 level (typically no more than 12 credits can be at the 400 level).
Ph.D. Degree Program requirements
A total of 72 credits is required (30 coursework credits; 42 research credits). Of the 42 credits earned beyond the master’s degree, 9 credits (500-600 level) should be in coursework and 33 as research credits (BES 699)
Other courses are tailored to a student’s program of study. Examples of currently offered courses beneficial to CMB students include (please consult the URI catalog for complete course listings):
Cell and Molecular Biology
CMB 412 Advanced Biochemistry Lab
CMB 414 Advanced Microbiology II
CMB 416 Advanced Microbiology II laboratory
CMB 426 Structural Biochemistry
CMB 435 Introduction to the Biology and Genetics of Cancer
CMB 437 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
CMB 460 Approaches in Molecular Biology
CMB 482 Proteins and Enzymes
CMB 510: Clinical Laboratory Management
CMB 513: Advanced Clinical Immunology
CMB 521: Physical Biochemistry
CMB 522: Bioinformatics I
CMB 523: Special Topics in Biochemistry
CMB 537: Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
CMB 550: Practical Tools for Molecular Sequence Analysis
CMB 552: Microbial Genetics
CMB 560: Experimental Approaches in Molecular and Cell Biology
CMB 576: Marine Microbial Ecology
CMB 579: Advanced Genetics Seminar
CMB 595: Molecular Diagnostics
Computer Science
CSC 593 Programming for Scientists
Biological Sciences
BIO 437: Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
BIO 502: Introduction to Neurobiology
BIO 511: Special Readings in Developmental Plant Anatomy
BIO/GEO 572: Advanced Evolutionary Biology
BIO 594 (BIO 539) Big Data Analysis
BIO 579: Advanced Genetics Seminar
STA 409: Statistical Methods in Research I
STA 412: Methods in Research II
STA 545: Bayesian Statistics
CMB Specialization Group Co-Coordinator, Associate Professor
CMB Specialization Group Co-Coordinator, Assistant Professor