Biological and Environmental Sciences

Evolution and Marine Biology


The Evolution and Marine Biology specialization in the Biological and Environmental Sciences Program focuses on variation and evolution in organisms, as well as the application of these studies to health, agriculture, and the environment. This graduate specialization provides training in cellular, molecular and developmental biology; genomics and population biology; morphology and biomechanics; and physiology. A major focus of this group is the application of these disciplines in marine biology.

*MSc students are required to take 6-9 research credits; the remaining credits can be taken as Special Problems course(s) or additional coursework. Note that current URI Graduate School policy (Section 7.44.1 of Graduate Manual) states that MSc students can take a maximum of 9 thesis research (599) credits, whereas for PhD students there is no maximum number of the thesis research (699) credits.

**Coursework for PhD students is decided in close consultation with the student’s PhD committee and with careful consideration of past coursework completed and the student’s career goals. PhD students with a MSc degree can transfer 30 credits from their MSc program and thus must complete at least 42 credits at URI. PhD students without a MSc degree may be allowed to transfer up to 20% of credits (e.g., 15 credits for a 72 credit program) from another institution but restrictions apply (see Section 7.50-54 of Graduate Manual for details). The required 18 course credits is pertinent to all BES PhD students and can be satisfied by transfer course credits with approval of the student’s PhD committee.

Evolution and Marine Biology program requirements

NOTE: all graduate students and their faculty mentors and committees must complete and sign an ANNUAL REVIEW form that documents milestones and confirms adequate progress toward degree.

EMB Specialization Group Coordinator, Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences

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