URI honors graduating seniors for their superior academic achievement with an Academic Excellence Award. The selections are based on grade point average, as well as other criteria determined by the academic departments.
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CAREER Award Will be Used by URI Professor to Disrupt Cyberattacks
Hui Lin, URI assistant professor of engineering, received a five-year, $500,000 CAREER award from the National Science Foundation to develop programs designed to disrupt cyberattacks. Lin was interviewed by the Providence Business News.
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Of the record 28 University of Rhode Island students who were named Beatrice S. Demers Foreign Language Fellows, 13 are enrolled in URI’s International Engineering Program.
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It’s common for students at URI to catch some rays on the quad toward the end of the school year. The students in the Solar Energy Systems course, however, weren’t on the quad to work on their tans. They were catching rays for academic reasons.
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The newest student organization at the College of Engineering has a new logo. The Black and Brown Women in Engineering Science Technology Sisterhood unveiled the logo at a ceremony attended by alumni, students, faculty, staff and College of Engineering Dean Anthony Marchese.
Continue reading "New Logo Unveiled By Engineering Student Organization"Irene Andreu Blanco Presented URI Excellence Award
Irene Andreu Blanco was presented a URI Research and Scholarship Excellence Award for overseeing a large inventory of advanced scientific instrumentation, and making industry and academic partners aware of the availability of the equipment.
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Students in URI civil and environmental engineering capstone course were challenged to develop a plan for the 25-acre site of Schartner Farms in Exeter that would include a hotel, a roundabout and a solar energy field.
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URI alumna Sarah Koenig hosted a podcast featuring female engineers who came to the U.S. as international students from Asia. Learn what the experience meant to Koenig, who earned degrees in industrial engineering and French through URI’s International Engineering Program.
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Ashutosh Giri, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at URI, is making a name for himself in the field of heat transfer. Giri was named the 2022 recipient of the Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award, presented to an engineer who has demonstrated the potential to make significant contributions to the field of heat transfer.
Continue reading "In the Field of Heat Transfer, URI’s Ashutosh Giri has Emerged as a Leading Expert"Diverse Engineering Graduating Class is Prepared for Success
The College of Engineering’s Class of 2022 came to the University of Rhode Island from all over the world to pursue a top-notch education that would lead to a successful career in engineering. Here are some facts and figures about this diverse group.
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A team of five URI engineering students won the poster competition at the New England Water Works Association Annual Spring Conference. The team’s project was titled “Emerging Technology for Determining the Speciation of Manganese Oxides.”
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The Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Department held its annual Graduate Research Showcase and Awards Day, highlighting the research projects of 25 graduate students. Each student spoke briefly about their research and then presented their posters.
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Melissa Schenck, coordinator of the University of Rhode Island International Engineering Program, was named the recipient of the 2022 Staff Excellence Award from the URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement.
Continue reading "Coordinator of URI International Engineering Program Recognized"URI Chapter of Society of Women Engineers Wins Rainville Team Excellence Award
The URI Society of Women Engineers won the A. Robert Rainville Team Excellence award. The Rainville awards recognize, encourage and celebrate student leadership within the URI campus community.
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URI chemical engineering professor Ryan Poling-Skutvik is researching ways to produce some of the biological responses we observe in living materials into synthetic and soft materials.
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He’s a fifth-degree black belt in taekwondo, he used to protect dignitaries while serving in the secret service for the president of South Korea, and his wife is a professional kickboxing champion. Meet one of URI’s newest engineering professors, Yeonho Jeong.
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When the National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technology was formed in 2017 as a partnership of URI, UConn and General Dynamics Electric Boat, it created collaborative opportunities in applied research, technology transition and workforce development.
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The URI International Engineering Program showed its support for language education at the Rhode Island State House. Students Alek Boving and Sara Hamada Mohamed spoke at a press conference for Multilingual Education Advocacy Day.
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Students in Professor K Wayne Lee’s Highway Engineering Laboratory course visited D’Ambra Construction Company’s asphalt plant to learn about their operations.
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URI College of Engineering Dean Anthony Marchese spoke with Providence Business News about how URI is keeping up with the engineering industry and how the engineering college will be involved in shaping the state’s blue economy.
Continue reading "Providence Business News Speaks With URI Dean of Engineering Anthony Marchese"Where Motivation Meets Inspiration, You’ll Find URI Senior Raymond Turrisi
At the URI College of Engineering, there are loads of highly motivated students. One of the finest examples is Raymond Turrisi, who will graduate from URI this spring with dual degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science, and minors in mathematics and robotics.
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The core research facilities in URI’s College of Engineering features some of the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment found anywhere. Valued at millions of dollars, the devices are available for use by researchers in industry or academia.
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URI civil engineering major Logan Beattie will spend 16 days this summer removing plastic pollution from the marine environment in Costa Rica, thanks to a Metcalf Memorial Fellowship. His interest in protecting the environment started at age 5.
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Almeida decided to create a Brookside recycling outreach initiative to teach residents the proper recycling rules, and thanks to her tireless efforts, Brookside residents will now have the option to recycle. Almeida recounted her story in a recent interview with the Office of Sustainability.
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Seniors in this year’s biomedical engineering capstone design course presented their year-long projects. Most of the designs integrated technology to help individuals with disabilities perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.
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