Financial Aid for Undocumented Rhode Island Students

Undocumented students who meet Rhode Island’s residency requirements, may qualify for state need-based financial aid and institutional need-based financial aid.  To apply, students who meet the following criteria should:

  • Complete the Alternative Aid Application
  • Have an understanding that access to federal financial aid via the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is not an option
  • Have applied, been accepted, or are enrolled at URI
  • Have met the conditions and completed an in-state tuition affidavit

Please fill out the Rhode Island Alternative Application for State
Postsecondary Student Financial Assistance for the corresponding academic year:

In addition to state of Rhode Island and university financial aid, undocumented students may apply for outside scholarships, such as the Tam Tran Scholarship fund for undocumented Rhode Island students. Current URI students may also apply for URI Foundation scholarships annually through Academic Works, which opens in April and is available through student’s MyApps portal.

Students may also find helpful information in this Tip Sheet for Undocumented Students from NASFAA, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.

If you have any questions about URI financial aid, please make an appointment with a financial aid counselor using Starfish. If you have any questions on completing the application, please contact