Rubrics & Proposal Templates

Assessment Rubrics Course Proposal Templates

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Rubrics play a central role in the assessment of student learning outcomes (SLOs) and the development of courses. Faculty and staff from the University of Rhode Island developed and tested rubrics designed to capture essential criteria for university-wide student learning outcomes. The rubrics articulate fundamental criteria for student proficiency of the 12 University general education SLOs and include competency levels that define how students will demonstrate progressively more sophisticated levels of achievement.

The elements in each rubric identify the key facets that collectively reflect a given outcome. Because URI is a large, diverse, and complex entity, there are multiple ways to satisfy the outcome, and all rubrics include a description of the available options. Each proposal must identify the specific subset of elements demonstrated in a course.

Once the decision is made as to the elements, a proposal template must be completed for each selected outcome. Templates are tools that allow faculty to identify the selected elements for the course and describe how students will be provided opportunities to achieve outcomes, and the means used to assess student performance.