An introduction to the biology of parasitic organisms, including life cycles, infection pathways, and impacts on hosts.
Continue reading "BIO 331: Parasitology"Category: Undergraduate
AVS 442: Physiology and Behavior of Marine Mammals
An exploration of how marine mammals exploit aquatic environments, combining examination of research literature with experiential learning in lab and aquarium facilities locally and abroad.
Continue reading "AVS 442: Physiology and Behavior of Marine Mammals"AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AVS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"BAI 310: (BUS) Business Data Analysis with Excel
Introduces intermediate and advanced spreadsheet concepts for business applications.
Continue reading "BAI 310: (BUS) Business Data Analysis with Excel"ART 361: Modern Art
Investigates major movements of European and American painting, sculpture, printmaking, and photography from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.
Continue reading "ART 361: Modern Art"AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System
Celestial sphere, Earth, formation of and motions and characteristics of objects in solar system, the Sun, exoplanets, and search for extraterrestrial life.
Continue reading "AST 118: Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System"AVS 101: Introduction to Animal Science
Animal industry’s role in world and national economy; inheritance, growth, physiology, nutrition, and diseases of domestic animals and poultry; geographic distribution and marketing of animal products.
Continue reading "AVS 101: Introduction to Animal Science"AFS 105G: Food from the Sea
Introduction to capture fisheries and aquaculture and their contribution to food supply, methods of production, environmental and ecological considerations, practices employed, processing, and marketing, with a regional New England focus.
Continue reading "AFS 105G: Food from the Sea"AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society
Food is essential to life, and a foundation of civilization.
Continue reading "AFS 132G: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Society"APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?
Examines researchers’ perceived rights to ownership of Native American bodies, languages, and human remains.
Continue reading "APG 325G: American Dilemma: Who “Owns” Native America?"