Earn your School Library Media Teaching Certificate with URI Online.
This post master’s certificate is designed for students who have already earned their Master of Library and Information Studies from an accredited institution and are looking to take required courses for certification in Rhode Island. The MLIS-TCP is a RI Department of Education state-approved school library media educator preparation program.
People from out-of-state should check the requirements for school library media certification in their state to ensure completion of the program would meet necessary requirements.
Program Details
- Required courses for completion of SLM TCP are based on transcript analysis of applicant’s MLIS degree from an accredited program
- Each student’s program of study is customized
- Required credits range from 12 to 18
- Applicants are recommended to request transcript analysis prior to applying
- Credit by Exam process (opportunity to test out of 6 of the 9 credits of student teaching) is available for applicants already working as emergency certified school librarian or have current K-12 teaching certificate
- Out-of-state students will have student teaching take place in a district convenient for them
Tuition per credit based on 2024/2025 academic year rates (subject to change): $887
- A Masters in Library & Information Studies from an accredited university
- A 500-800 word statement of purpose
- Two letters of recommendation
- Unofficial digital transcripts (to be uploaded to your application) and official transcripts.
- Credit for Courses Taken Prior to Admission and/or Taken at Other Institutions: Subject to the approval of the GSLIS director and the dean of the Graduate School. Please refer to the URI Graduate Student Manual for our policy on Transfer Credits, Section 7.20.
- Resume/CV
Fall 2025 Dates
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“The Teacher Certification Program allows people with their MLIS degree to become certified for running libraries in K-12 schools.
With a great need for school librarians now, and school librarian jobs being left unfilled, this is a great time to become a school librarian and make a difference in literacy and the future of our children’s lives.”
Dr. Valerie Karno
Program Director